Mezzanine Financing for Distressed Companies

Summary: Mezzanine financing is a hybrid form of debt and equity that can provide flexible and creative solutions for companies facing financial challenges or opportunities. In this article, we will explore how mezzanine financing can help distressed companies overcome their difficulties and achieve their goals. We will also discuss the benefits and risks of mezzanine financing, as well as the key factors to consider when seeking this type of capital. Finally, we will highlight the importance of working with an experienced advisor who can help you navigate the complex and competitive mezzanine market.

Table of Content:
- What is Mezzanine Financing?
- How Mezzanine Financing Can Help Distressed Companies
- Benefits and Risks of Mezzanine Financing
- Key Factors to Consider When Seeking Mezzanine Financing
- The Importance of Working with an Advisor
- Conclusion

What is Mezzanine Financing?

Mezzanine financing is a way for companies to raise funds for specific projects or to aid with an acquisition through a hybrid of debt and equity financing. Mezzanine financing typically consists of subordinated debt with attached equity warrants or conversion rights that give the lender the option to acquire an ownership stake in the company in case of default or under certain conditions. Mezzanine financing is usually senior to pure equity but subordinate to pure debt in terms of repayment priority and security.

Mezzanine financing can provide more generous returns to investors compared to typical corporate debt, often paying between 12% and 20% a year. Mezzanine financing can also be considered as very expensive debt or cheaper equity, depending on the perspective of the borrower and the lender. For the borrower, mezzanine financing can be less dilutive than issuing new equity, as it preserves more control and upside potential for the existing shareholders. For the lender, mezzanine financing can offer higher interest income and potential capital appreciation through the equity component.

Mezzanine financing is most commonly used in the expansion of established companies rather than as start-up or early-phase financing. It is also frequently associated with acquisitions and buyouts, for which it may be used to prioritize new owners ahead of existing owners in case of bankruptcy.

How Mezzanine Financing Can Help Distressed Companies

Mezzanine financing can be a valuable tool for companies that are facing financial difficulties or opportunities that require additional capital. Some examples of situations where mezzanine financing can help distressed companies are:

  • Restructuring: A company that is undergoing a restructuring process may need mezzanine financing to refinance its existing debt, reduce its interest burden, extend its maturity profile or improve its covenant flexibility. Mezzanine financing can also provide liquidity and working capital to support the company's operational turnaround.
  • Turnaround: A company that is experiencing a decline in performance or profitability may need mezzanine financing to implement strategic changes, such as cost reduction, product innovation, market expansion or diversification. Mezzanine financing can also help the company overcome temporary cash flow shortages or fund capital expenditures.
  • Acquisition: A company that is pursuing an acquisition opportunity may need mezzanine financing to supplement its senior debt or equity sources, especially if the target company is undervalued, distressed or has high growth potential. Mezzanine financing can also enable the acquirer to leverage its balance sheet and increase its return on investment.
  • Growth: A company that is seeking to grow organically or inorganically may need mezzanine financing to finance its expansion plans, such as entering new markets, launching new products or services, acquiring new customers or assets or increasing its production capacity. Mezzanine financing can also help the company capture market share and enhance its competitive advantage.

Benefits and Risks of Mezzanine Financing

Mezzanine financing can offer several benefits for both borrowers and lenders in distressed situations, such as:

  • Flexibility: Mezzanine financing can be tailored to suit the specific needs and objectives of each transaction, such as the amount, term, interest rate, repayment schedule, equity participation and covenants. Mezzanine financing can also be structured as a standalone instrument or as part of a larger financing package with other sources of capital.
  • Creativity: Mezzanine financing can provide innovative and customized solutions for complex and challenging situations, such as bridging valuation gaps, facilitating negotiations, resolving conflicts, enhancing returns or mitigating risks. Mezzanine financing can also incorporate various features and mechanisms, such as payment-in-kind (PIK) interest, cash sweeps, earn-outs, equity kickers or conversion options.
  • Alignment: Mezzanine financing can create alignment of interests between the borrower and the lender, as both parties share the risks and rewards of the transaction. Mezzanine financing can also foster a collaborative and supportive relationship between the borrower and the lender, as the lender may provide strategic guidance, operational expertise, industry knowledge or network access to the borrower.

However, mezzanine financing also entails some risks and challenges for both borrowers and lenders in distressed situations, such as:

  • Cost: Mezzanine financing can be very expensive for the borrower, as it carries a high interest rate and may dilute the existing shareholders' ownership and control. Mezzanine financing can also be costly for the lender, as it requires extensive due diligence, monitoring and management of the investment.
  • Subordination: Mezzanine financing is subordinate to senior debt in terms of repayment priority and security, which means that the mezzanine lender has a lower claim on the borrower's assets and cash flows in case of default or liquidation. Mezzanine financing is also subject to intercreditor agreements that may limit the mezzanine lender's rights and remedies against the borrower or the senior lender.
  • Uncertainty: Mezzanine financing is exposed to various uncertainties and contingencies in distressed situations, such as market volatility, operational instability, regulatory changes or legal disputes. Mezzanine financing is also dependent on the performance and valuation of the underlying company or project, which may fluctuate significantly over time.

Key Factors to Consider When Seeking Mezzanine Financing

When seeking mezzanine financing in distressed situations, there are several factors that borrowers and lenders should consider carefully, such as:
  • Valuation: The valuation of the company or project is a critical factor that determines the amount, terms and feasibility of mezzanine financing. The valuation should reflect the current and future prospects of the company or project, as well as the risks and opportunities involved. The valuation should also be supported by credible financial projections, market analysis and industry benchmarks.
  • Capital Structure: The capital structure of the company or project is another important factor that influences the availability and suitability of mezzanine financing. The capital structure should be optimal for the company or project's needs and objectives, as well as for its risk profile and cash flow generation. The capital structure should also be balanced and diversified among different sources of capital, such as senior debt, mezzanine debt and equity.
  • Exit Strategy: The exit strategy of the mezzanine lender is a key factor that affects the attractiveness and viability of mezzanine financing. The exit strategy should be realistic and achievable within a reasonable time frame, such as 3 to 7 years. The exit strategy should also be aligned with the borrower's goals and expectations, as well as with the market conditions and opportunities. The exit strategy may involve various options, such as refinancing, repayment, sale or IPO.

The Importance of Working with an Advisor

Given the complexity and competitiveness of the mezzanine market, working with an experienced advisor can be essential for both borrowers and lenders who are seeking mezzanine financing in distressed situations. An advisor can provide several benefits, such as:

  • Access: An advisor can help borrowers and lenders access a wide range of potential mezzanine providers who have relevant expertise, industry focus, geographic presence and risk appetite. An advisor can also help borrowers and lenders establish credibility and trust with each other through their reputation and relationships.
  • Preparation: An advisor can help borrowers and lenders prepare for mezzanine transactions by conducting thorough due diligence, developing compelling business plans, preparing financial models, structuring optimal deal terms, negotiating favorable agreements and facilitating smooth closing processes.
  • Value: An advisor can help borrowers and lenders maximize value from mezzanine transactions by identifying optimal solutions, bridging valuation gaps, enhancing returns, mitigating risks, resolving issues and creating synergies.


Mezzanine financing is a powerful form of capital that can offer flexible and creative solutions for companies that are facing financial challenges or opportunities in distressed situations. However, mezzanine financing also involves significant costs, risks and uncertainties that require careful consideration and evaluation. Therefore, working with an experienced advisor who can help you navigate the complex and competitive mezzanine market can be crucial for achieving successful outcomes.


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Why Mezzanine Financing?
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  • Fill the Gap Between Senior Debt & Equity Capital
  • Preserve Ownership & Control of Your Business
  • Customized Repayment Terms and Conditions

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